Climate Change - The new religion
From the time when humans climbed out of the caves or swung down from the trees they have been asking the questions, “Where did I come from and where am I going?” The biggest question was, “What happens when a person dies?” This remains the most frightening question in the world today, so from early times it was necessary to come up with some explanation which at least offered people hope. Clever men came up with many ideas and the emerging leaders found that they needed to also control their people, so religious forms were invented where salvation was suggested if one did what the people in charge said was right, with hell and damnation as an alternative. So frightening was the ultimate question that the largely ignorant population went along with it, too frightened to question, bringing up their children to follow in these beliefs. Yet over time to the present day with access to information like never before, people are finding that what they have been fed is similar to the flat earthists of earlier years and they are rejecting what they have been told to believe. They feel the established has lied to them, don’t trust governments and don’t want to be lied to any more. Yet that still leaves the big question unanswered, with people the world over living in closer proximity looking for something else to believe in as a focal point in their lives. Welcome the new religion, Climate Change, which can unite people in a common cause against the establishment entrenched in main stream religion and perpetuated by men in dresses. Climate change, although it has always been changing is a cause which rings to all, the saving of humanity itself. With its consequences difficult to prove, Climate Change meets all of the hallmarks of a religion with its arch priests such as Al Gore and now David Attenborough. It might not have all the answers but will do for the time being while we find out whether in fact God rules…