When a speech can be too good - ask Hillary
Hillary Clinton’s brilliant crafted acceptance speech putting her as the first female contender for the white house unfortunately will cement a win for Donald Trump. That is the problem when you are too good. It was another speech. The average voter is going to say “We’ve heard it all before and so what if she is a woman? Last time we thought we’d try something new and put in an African American and where did that get us?” Remember again, parties do NOT win elections, the other side loses and Obama has sewn that up.
So it’s Trump. Unfortunately as we have seen in the past, American Presidents play to a domestic audience. If the Twin Towers get destroyed, a President has to show that he will take action since after all "America Is Great". So he invades Iraq on the pretext of weapons of mass destruction although it turns out there weren’t any, and invades Afghanistan because that is where the CIA trained Ben Laden was said to have plotted the whole thing. Forget he was actually a Saudi.
Trump with his super ego which needs reinforcement is on past performance just as likely to take unbridged with Chinese or Russian leaders and do something stupid. One can only hope that if not common sense then business interests and constraint from the armed forces could prevent a catastrophe but again on past experience, don’t hold your breath. One has to remember that both World Wars were started by national ego’s being bruised and now we have China ruffling America’s feathers.
So again, why Trump? Leave aside the terrible performance of politicians in the past, in a domestic market, Americans have long believed that they are number one, and that ”America is Great”. Trump massages that national ego. Remember someone else in the past who made such impassioned speeches. Everyone including Trump and his man on the street underestimate the Chinese. Even the former Australian Prime Minister John Howard broadcast yesterday that the USA will always be greater than China showing just how out of date he is. A 25,000,000 million Australian population against a China with now 1,500,000,000. Of course Australia needs America. Count the zeros, and a possible army of the 45,000,000 more men than women in China. You want to give China USA style Democracy, one person one vote and see how that works out.
Some are arguing rightly that Trump once in the “Trump House” will have to get legislative change through a limiting legislature but that does not constrain his ability to declare war or access to the nuclear button and this is where the real problem lies. Bush number 2 wanted to show daddy he could finish what daddy started and that we know is now history.
Meanwhile, we have brilliant speeches written by brilliant speech writers for wanda’be politicians but where everyone how continually surfs the web on their mobile phone, brilliant speeches pop up a dime a dozen and consequently lose their influence. Everyone knows they are written by someone other than the deliverer. Trump might speak bullshit but it is his bullshit. Sometimes one can just be too clever.