
Climate Change - The new religion

From the time when humans climbed out of the caves or swung down from the trees they have been asking the questions, “Where did I come from and where am I going?” The biggest question was, “What happens when a person dies?” This remains the most... Read More

Negotiation Madness

Over the years many books have been written about negotiation techniques from many different perspectives. Out of the most famous western ideologies, the main theme appears to have been to keep bombarding the other side in one way or the other until... Read More

Universal basic Income and the threat to democracy as we know it.

Some of the greatest minds of the century have predicted that, up to at least 80 percent, if not more, of the world’s workforce will be replaced by computers or artificial intelligence, the only uncertainty is about the time frame. The average prediction... Read More

Urban Development 2120

Abstract: The year 2120 may appear a long way into the future but even one hundred years flows quickly. The global population is said to have reached the first billion in 1804, four billion in 1974, six billion in 1999, seven billion in 2012 and is... Read More

Mentoring-life is looking for the pony...

Were I to start off in a life mentoring role, I would ask the individual to think of themselves as the mentor and ask how they would advise themselves. So a good way to start would be to set out a personal SWAT (strength, weakness, opportunities and... Read More

What is worse than fake news?

With our daily exposure to fake news through the traditional media and now where everyone with a computer seems to want to write a BLOG, we see something more insidious creeping in. This is twisting what could be real news into something which looks like... Read More

About to come to a school near you

About to launch a book on what robotics will bring to our future, with the speed of development around us in the world today, it would appear that education as we know it is being surpassed. Things move so fast the systems can't keep up. In the past it... Read More

Killing them softly

With euthanasia debates progressing through various parliaments, the focus is again on the rights or wrongs of someone’s right to take their own life. The famous Australian labour powerbroker and spokesman Graham Richardson, himself in dire medical... Read More

National Urban Development Strategy

Reviewing national urban development strategies for developing countries this could at the same time apply to strategies for those already developed. One only has to look at some of the choked multilane highways in California and gridlock in other cities... Read More

Falling on deaf ears

Humans are social animals which means that like to congregate in groups. This obviously means that no one really likes to speak out of turn and generally people run with the herd, even if they don’t subscribe to all of whatever a current state of... Read More